A newborn photoshoot wasn’t really on Sarah’s mind when she was pregnant but as soon as little Emily arrived she knew she just had to have her portraits taken while she was still so small. Sarah got in touch and we managed to set a date in our diary for when Emily was 9 days old.
Being a massive horse lover she asked if we could incorporate her saddle into the photo shoot. Doesn’t Emily look so small!!!! Please be aware that one hand was holding Emily at all times and we used some photoshop magic to for the end portrait. Safety comes first.
Emily was such a star throughout the whole of her session with us, we can not wait to photograph her again when she’s sitting up; next time her Mum, Dad and big sister will be joining in with the fun.
Here a selection of portraits from Emily's newborn session.
Jo & Luke

Sarah left us a lovely review on our Facebook page.
Thanks Sarah
