One of our favourite photographs to take during Newborn Photography sessions is the bucket shot, not only is it an extremely cute and gorgeous photograph but its perfect for getting the little ones off to sleep. The position we place our Newborns in the bucket mimics that of when they're lying on Mummy or Daddy’s chest so it’s perfect for comfort and deep sleep. Our favourite bucket at the moment is an old steel one that spent most of its life lost at the back of the garden and it wasn’t until last year that we decided to give it a new lease of life; ill think you’ll agree that with a bit of TLC and accompanied with a whole lot of Newborn cuteness it looks absolutely adorable.
We’re always on the look out for new props and the other day we stumbled across a new bucket that we can’t wait to feature in our next Newborn photography session, watch this space for more bucket related photography!
A quick snap of our new bucket ready for a new arrival! Exciting!
