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A Fresh Start: Finding Focus Before Setting Goals

As someone who thrives on setting goals, the arrival of a new year usually fills me with excitement and purpose. It’s the perfect time to reflect, reset, and focus on achieving something meaningful. But this year has been a little different. It’s taking me longer to feel organized enough to set my New Year’s resolution—and that’s okay.

The past week has been a whirlwind. Unsettled nights with Elsie have left me feeling drained, and there’s still a pile of tasks to tackle before I can reclaim my sense of order. The Christmas chaos lingers in the form of a dump run and a charity shop drop-off that are still on my to-do list. Right now, my home feels more like a work-in-progress than the sanctuary I need it to be. And as they say, “a tidy space equals a tidy mind.” For me, that couldn’t be more true.

I’ve noticed I function so much better when the world around me is organized. It’s like clearing physical clutter makes way for mental clarity. But instead of pushing myself to set a goal when my head isn’t in the right space, I’ve decided to give myself a break. My first step this year isn’t to dive straight into goal-setting; it’s to focus on organizing my space and, in turn, my mind.

So here’s the plan: I’m letting go of the pressure to have it all figured out right now. I’ll take things one step at a time—starting with those unfinished tasks that are weighing on me. Once the dump run is done and the charity shop bags are out the door, I know I’ll feel a wave of relief. From there, I can turn my attention to creating the clean, calm environment I need to dream big and set meaningful intentions for the year ahead.

Sometimes, the best way to move forward is to take a moment to pause and reset. So if you’re feeling overwhelmed or unprepared to set your resolutions, remember: it’s okay to take your time. Give yourself the space to clear your head and set yourself up for success.

For me, step one is creating order out of the post-holiday chaos. Step two? Setting a goal that truly resonates. And you know what? I’m ready to get started. Let’s do this!


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